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Sapnai |
Pranešimai: 3628
2008-03-18 09:03:34
ianakt košmarą sapnavau. Fui nesamone kazkokia pasibudau išsigandusi.O sapnavau kad kažkokia panele trys vaikiai išprievartavo ir toji numire liko du maži vaikai. Fui kažkokia nesamonė.
Pranešimai: 18420
2008-06-23 18:06:03
sako kad sapnai nestumo metu nesipildo bet manau kad tikra nesamone tai, juk esam kaip ir visi zmones ne ateiviai ar ne Kai vaikai užmiega ....
Pranešimai: 7092
2008-08-19 23:08:55
jei dėl ko nerimaujam, tą ir sapnuojam. Reikia stengtis atsipalaiduot. Aš tai knygą paskaitydavau, o dabar nieko nesapnuoju, nes skubu pamiegot, kol vaikas miega
Pranešimai: 8207
2008-08-20 10:08:28
aš ir gimdymus sapnuoju ir visokias kitokias nesąmones. Gi nėščiosios pasapnuoja, kad ir kokius kačiukus pagimdo. Viskas normoj pamąstau apie kažką, nerimauja, tai ir persiduoda miegui.
Pranešimai: 3628
2008-08-20 10:08:32
"Isila"aš ir gimdymus sapnuoju ir visokias kitokias nesąmones. Gi nėščiosios pasapnuoja, kad ir kokius kačiukus pagimdo. Viskas normoj pamąstau apie kažką, nerimauja, tai ir persiduoda miegui.
Aha as pries pirma gimdyma buvau sapnavusi kad pagimdau vaika su krokodilo galva. Feee kaip negerai jauciausi.
Pranešimai: 8207
2008-08-20 11:08:42
bet juk nepagimdei
Pranešimai: 3628
2008-08-20 11:08:38
Aciu Ponui Dievuliui, vaikas su normalia galva buvo.
Pranešimai: 8207
2008-08-20 11:08:33
ko tik neprisisvaigstam būdamos nėščios
Pranešimai: 3628
2008-08-20 11:08:04
Nu jo. Dabar vel arteja gimdymas sakes kaip bijau tai nuo minties visi plaukai siausiasi, nakti pabudusi pagalvoju kas laukia tai ir miegas neima.
Pranešimai: 8207
2008-08-20 11:08:35
aš ne gimdymo bijau, o pirmų mėnesių su vaiku
Pranešimai: 1914
2008-08-20 14:08:34
as tai visnieko nebijau bijojau gimdymo, bet kai perskaiciau tokia netradicine knyga, tai nebebijau o dar kai epiduras ranka pasiekiamas, tai labai drasiai jauciuosi.
radau kelis staripsnius apie sapnus nestumo metu: apibendrinu - per sapnus pasireisia branda/nebranda, pasiruosimas/nepasiruosimas motinystei. Jei rasiu permesiu straipsnius, bet tik angliskai
Pranešimai: 8311
2008-08-20 14:08:29
Sapnuokit būsimos mamytės tik gražius sapnus,linkiu to Košmarų užteks kai vaikiukam pilvą skaudės,dantukai dygs ir ožiukai aplankys Aš visą nėštumą dažnai sapnuodavau savo vaikiuką,kad jam jau keli mėnesiai
Pranešimai: 1914
2008-08-20 15:08:31
What's in a dream? During pregnancy, a lot!
Dreams are like funhouse mirrors that reflect your emotional state. Since pregnancy can feel like an emotional roller coaster, don't be surprised if your dreams become more vivid and crazy than usual. Dreams also become more vivid during pregnancy because of increased progesterone and increased awakenings from dream-filled REM (rapid eye movement) sleep.
Some experts think pregnancy dreams — which can be about everything from tadpoles and fishes to talking animals and towering skyscrapers — symbolize your excitement, fear, and apprehension about the physical and emotional changes happening to you. They believe that certain themes are common to each stage of pregnancy.
pirmojo trimestro sapnai
Anxiety about birth and motherhood
"I give birth to a full-grown child. He is like a miniature adult, dressed like an adult, and walking and talking like an adult." — Donna's dream during her first trimester
Many first-time mothers, when they discover they have conceived, dream of giving birth to a fully mature baby or grown child. Perhaps an older baby or child seems less threatening than a fragile newborn to the inexperienced mother. Donna thought the adult baby in her dream reflected her anxiety that she would have to go back to work and would therefore miss her child's growing up.
Early in pregnancy, first-time moms rarely know much about the childbirth experience; they often feel apprehensive. The combination of hopes for an easy delivery and incomplete understanding of the actual process leads to dreams of the baby "popping out" or simply appearing.
Self-consciousness about your changing body
"I am driving a car. At the same time I carry a spare tire around my waist." — Patricia Garfield's dream while pregnant with her daughter
A woman's feelings about her body may either improve or deteriorate during pregnancy. In my dream it was obvious that the "spare tire" was my expanding midsection. Driving a vehicle is often a metaphor for the way the dreamer is moving through life at the moment; with the spare tire, my movement was rather clumsy. Pregnant women frequently picture themselves driving trucks, buses, or other vehicles that are more difficult to maneuver than cars in their dreams — reflecting their perception of awkward movement.
Researchers who have studied pregnant women's dreams observe frequent references to buildings in them, from simple rooms to soaring skyscrapers. The dream buildings are often places where things are made, such as a factory or a shipyard, probably paralleling the "making" of a baby that is taking place inside the woman's body. Perhaps pregnant women dream about buildings because they are hypersensitive to their "enlarging inner space." Indeed, the type of building pictured in the woman's dreams may increase in size as her pregnancy progresses; one researcher found that dream buildings became larger and more complex the closer the woman was to term; skyscrapers were especially common.
Awareness of your amniotic fluid
"I'm in a region, possibly a tropical rainforest. I learn that the projected rainfall is 700 inches! I'm amazed." — Joan's dream
From goldfish bowls to family wash to swelling oceans, a pregnant woman's dreams refer to water throughout her pregnancy. A mother-to-be will often find herself swimming in her first-trimester dreams. Where animals appear in first-trimester dreams, they are often aquatic creatures such as tadpoles and fish. This water in her dreams possibly depicts an awareness of the water gathering in her womb. Water in dreams may take on a dramatic form as pregnancy progresses. Toward her due date, a pregnant woman is more likely to dream of water as a symbol of the "breaking waters" that announce imminent childbirth. One woman dreamt at the end of her second trimester of carrying a heavy schoolbag when big ocean waves rose and endangered her. We begin our lives as water creatures, suspended in a sea of liquid within our mother's womb. A pregnant woman is drinking fluids for two, herself and her baby. Small wonder that her dreams overflow with images of water.
Antojo trimestro sapnai
You give birth to a litter of kittens. Then you sleep with your high school boyfriend. Now you're trying to make a quick getaway — but you have too many bags to carry by yourself.
Some dream images typically appear at certain stages of pregnancy. To help you figure out what your dreams might be telling you, read on. The following excerpt from Women's Bodies, Women's Dreams by psychologist Patricia Garfield describes some second-trimester dreams and their possible interpretations.
• Return to Deciphering your pregnancy dreams index
Curiosity about the mother-baby connection
"While visiting Mother, I sit by myself in her living room. Near me on a chair is a pet of hers, a gibbonlike creature. I keep my distance from him, afraid he might bite. He climbs around on the furniture, and nibbles on some squash in a hanging basket." — Joan's dream during her fourth month of pregnancy
During the second trimester, a pregnant woman's dreams contain animals that are more baby-like, such as pups, chicks, and kittens. Depending upon her attitude toward the pregnancy, her mate, and her situation, the animal may be either threatening or lovable. Joan's dream (above) suggests she felt some ambivalence about the effect of the strange new creature coming into her life. Would its presence be destructive?
The presence of friendly animals — rare and charming creatures in dreams — is generally thought to represent a good relationship between the dreamer and his or her instincts. In the dreams of many pregnant women, animals are frequently cuddly and cute. You may find that the animals in your dreams develop from sea creature to land mammal, repeating the journey of primeval ancestors; at other times you may find you dream of your unborn child directly. Your feeling about the animal or baby reveals something about your attitude at the time of the dream.
Insecurity about your appearance
"For weeks I've been dreaming about my old boyfriend. Wild, sensuous dreams. I'm with him again, kissing and making love — it's as passionate as ever. When I'm awake, I have fantasies about wanting him to see me with a child. What's going on?" — Veronica, during her sixth month of pregnancy
Erotic dreams are more likely the larger the mother-to-be gets; they tend to occur most often during the final three months. The reasons for erotic dreams in pregnant women are as varied as the women themselves. Nevertheless, most mothers-to-be share a concern about their changing figure and its effect on their sex life. Intercourse is necessarily more awkward during the final months of pregnancy. Deprived of her accustomed regularity or intensity of sex, an expectant mother sometimes compensates for it in dreams.
Beyond whatever physical deprivation they may feel, pregnant women often feel insecure about their continued attractiveness to men. Gripping furniture for support in raising or seating herself, her ankles swollen, the mother-to-be finds her body increasingly difficult to maneuver. Erotic dreams during pregnancy simply offer the comforting reassurance, "Don't worry. You see, you are sexy, alluring, and lovable."
Worry about your mate's love or commitment
"I am lugging around heavy baggage, several items, and so is John (my husband). I put one bag inside the other and offer this to John. He takes the doubled-up bag, thus lightening my load considerably." — One of Joan's 33 pregnancy dreams
Joan thought that taking over the extra bag might symbolize John's plan to take over the whole wage-earning "burden" for several months after the baby was born. Here the baggage, which often refers to weight gain in pregnant women's dreams, appears to refer more to financial burden. Joan's husband was to carry a "double load," and she felt grateful.
Sometimes, an expectant mother finds herself tortured by nightmares that her husband is having a love affair. Or she may picture strange women propositioning her man. Such dreams also express a sense of insecurity about holding the husband's love and attention through a time of great change. A pregnant woman has a realistic sense of vulnerability. She is more dependent than ever upon the goodwill and support of those around her, especially her husband. She may fear his loss.
For most women, happily, the insecurity is unfounded and passes. In fact, many women find that going through the experience of preparing for and giving birth to a child bonds her and her husband in a deep way. Those pregnant women who understand a husband's tendency to feel neglected will find ways to include him in preparations for parenting.
treciojo trimestro sapnai
You're leading a cheer at a high school football game. You know you've had your baby, but you don't know where he is. Suddenly you remember: You left your baby at the gym!
Some dream images typically appear at certain stages of pregnancy. To help you figure out what your dreams might be telling you, read on. The following excerpt from Women's Bodies, Women's Dreams by psychologist Patricia Garfield describes some dreams during the final weeks of pregnancy, and their possible interpretations.
• Return to Deciphering your pregnancy dreams index
Imagining the uncharted territory of birth and motherhood
"I am boarding a plane, going off to a foreign country somewhere. I am pregnant but not so much as I am now. I have a bad feeling, like I don't really want to go. I am not an exile. People are escorting me. I have to go, but it is not for long." — Cheryl's dream five days before she delivered
Cheryl's dream expresses an emotion women typically experience toward the end of gestation: reluctance to confront the unknown. For a first-time mother, giving birth is rather like a journey to a foreign country. Face to face with her own adventure, she has an important starring role, even though it is with reluctance, since she must go along. The fact that Cheryl knows she is "not in exile" in the dream and that the trip is "not for long" suggests that her attitude is basically positive and that she expects to return safely.
Giving birth, in addition to being depicted as a journey or an important commitment, may be represented as traveling through tunnels and corridors or the bursting of great waters.
Waiting for your baby's arrival
"In the dream we had the baby two days ago. I have gone somewhere while Nat (my husband) is taking care of the baby. He's taken it to a sporting event with a bunch of his buddies. I go to the football stadium. It is a beautiful, sunny day. There is a combination football and baseball game going on. One team wears bright red uniforms and the other yellow. I walk up the bleachers, and Nat tells me where the baby is. I look behind where there is a cabana-like arrangement with three babies. It is easy to pick out mine. It is time to feed the child, and so I nurse it. I think that I must ask Nat how the labor went. He comes in. The whole dream has a feeling of great happiness." — Sonny's dream three days before she delivered
There is much symbolism in this involved dream, but the main points here are the sensation of joy at having finished childbirth and the complex game. Sonny explained that she likes football and knows a lot about it. Baseball she sees as boring; it takes a long time before anything happens. Thus the combination is something with interesting elements but that requires a lot of waiting before there is any action — just as pregnancy does. The ball in the game probably represents the fetus, whose motion will determine the end of the "waiting game." Being nine months pregnant, Sonny expresses here a wish for her baby's arrival and the pleasure she anticipates. The game is not over, and the outcome remains unknown.
Taking responsibility as a parent
"I go into labor. I'm walking around the living room and I feel the baby's head come out. I reach down and pull it out — it's a little girl. The head is flesh and skin, but the body is just bones. I'm worried. This is not right. I blow on the baby or breathe on her, and she fills out to normal-looking. I'm still kind of concerned she will stay okay when I wake." — Leah's dream two days before she delivered
Although "blowing" or "breathing" on a newborn may be simple behavior, the important fact is that Leah took action in her dream. In so doing, she transformed the dream baby. Subsequently, she gave birth to her first child — a girl — in a short, six-hour delivery.
Taking charge, having confidence in herself, and being in command may help a woman to cope with the job of giving birth to a child. If you are being threatened in a nightmare, you may find that instead of letting yourself be victimized, assertively reacting to the situation will make a profound difference. Not only will you feel better about your nightmare, you may actually help make your labor shorter and easier. When short- and long-labor groups were asked about how assertive they were during nightmares, researchers found that there was a strong connection between the dream content and the length of labor. Among the women who had short labor, 94 percent had been assertive in at least one of their nightmares. Among the women who had long labor, only 30 percent had been assertive, whereas the remaining 70 percent allowed themselves to be victimized.
The whole issue of taking action in nightmares is extremely important, especially to a pregnant woman, for whom a more active stance may be connected with shorter and easier labor.
teveliu sapnai
Have you dreamt about sleeping with someone besides your partner? Maybe you're worried that pregnancy will damage your sex life. Dreaming about your grandparents? Pending fatherhood can make you think about your family's roots. As a soon-to-be dad, your feelings of excitement, anticipation, anxiety, and worry may open a floodgate of dreams.
Here's something else your dreams might reveal: With all the attention centered on your wife and her bulging belly, you might feel left out. Your reaction is normal, says psychologist and dream expert Patricia Garfield. "Sharing your dreams and feelings throughout the pregnancy can help you both feel loved and needed," she says.
To help you figure out what your dreams might be telling you, read on. The following excerpt from Garfield's book Women's Bodies, Women's Dreams describes three types of dreams from dads-to-be and their possible interpretations.
Pranešimai: 2721
2008-08-21 01:08:35
pas mane kažkokie nesamoningi sapnai,tai vis sapnuoju kad pagimdžiau dvynukus nors laukėm vieno vaiko,tai kad vyras mane palieka, tai kad labai daug ir sunkiai dirbu kažką......
Pranešimai: 1773
2008-08-28 14:08:13
manau kad visas nestumines kamuoja sapnai.as tai pastoviai sapnuoju kad persileidziu arba neisgimdau ar dar kokia nesamone susijusia su vaikeliu.bet tai tode kad susije su emocijomis kurias isgyvename diena o po to pasireiskia spanais naktimis.cia gudriai suveliau
Pranešimai: 44
2008-10-01 12:10:11
O as sianankt sapnavau kad vaikiukas labai judejo tai jauciu kad istikruju taip buvo
Pranešimai: 155
2010-02-02 11:02:41
Re: Sapnai
kamuoja ir mane sapnai,kartais toki baisūs,kad pabundu ir bijau vėl užmigti.Bet būna ir gražių:kartą sapnavau tik ką pradėjusį vaikščioti sūnelį... kažkodėl blogų sapnų neina pamiršti,pasilieka jie kažkur pasamonėj.
Pranešimai: 13
2011-10-16 14:10:57
Aš prieš kelias dienas susapnavau, kad man gimė du vaikiukai: mergaitė ir berniukas. Čia sapnavau naktį prieš pirmą apsilankymą pas gydytoją. Kitą dieną nuvykus patikrinimui pas gydytoją - pasakė, kad kolkas dvynukai, bet sakė dar visko gali nutikt ir likt tik vienas.
Pranešimai: 11456
2011-10-16 15:10:09
Šiuo metu mėnulio fazė tokia,kai sapnai pildosi Zefyra,sveikinu su džiugia žinia
.. Pati didžiausia kvailystė gyvenime- diena iš dienos darant tą patį tikėtis permainų.
Pranešimai: 13
2011-10-16 16:10:26
lorjuodŠiuo metu mėnulio fazė tokia,kai sapnai pildosi Zefyra,sveikinu su džiugia žinia
Dėkui . Tikėkimės, kad viskas bus oki ir išsipildys šis nuostabus sapnelis.